18th June 2024


Living on this planet some tasks are very difficult. For example try to imagine not being familiar with automobile brands. We are surrounded by badges and we see them over a period that is staggering. A lifetime if you will. Now a small confession. I have never actually owned a car. I tended more to bicycles and passenger seats. However it is very difficult not to get hit by the waves of advertising and brand recognition. And brands evoke history. So, this afternoon I watched a number of videos about the history of various automobile brands. Starting obviously with the Ford. And if you look at forward you must also look at who were the leaders. So much I did not know. Actually no need to know because as I say I have never owned a car. But it is fun to do the dovetail part. Tying history to what goes on in the world. I wonder what it was like to live in a time when a car was not a major investment. Or when it was. A dichotomy. If I look in my own driveway I will find cars from different periods of time with different badges. All with the common four wheels and a body. I will watch some more of these videos because now I’m curious. The main question is how did I avoid getting sucked into the tunnel of ownership. Oh wait, I know, I had no money. It does not stop others who have financed their souls to have a car at a young age but I managed to resist. It’s funny the roads we take as the saying goes.

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