A desperate highway
Although my travel expectations are limited I do like to be informed about the possibilities. The world has changed a great deal over the last few centuries. We no longer need to mark our maps with a legend of «Beyond this point lie dragons ». We have checked it out and most things are reasonably safe. With one exception. I had learned a couple of years ago well following a blog about a couple traveling from north to south along the edge of the continents that there was a road that would take me all the way from Alaska to Argentina. I have no expectations of ever taking that road but I was enchanted to know the possibility existed and then I learned that it existed with one small exception. There is a gap. Found in the jungles of South America or Central America it turns out that you can only go so far in your vehicle. The highway stops being a highway and becomes a recipe for disaster. And so today I watched a documentary on just that place. Yes there are dragons in this sense. Although the number of people trying to get from north to south has increased. I will leave you to do your own research. You may go and you may die. So I have revisited my own expectations. I will not try to drive from Alaska to the South. Instead I will continue to watch videos and realize that you can be in a worse place than you think. I will continue to enjoy my own country. Still a lot to visit. I do not need to share the road with people who are desperate. And I will take one moment to congratulate son #2 who has returned from a long bicycle trek through Norway. He is home and all of his baggage made it with him.
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