30th June 2024

A famous song

In my world music is important. We even have songs about music. Like when the music died. And no it did not. Let me tell you a little story. I was still a teenager and I received an invitation from my cousin. She will remain nameless by her own choice by my funny summer afternoon a Sunday I believe I was invited to come along to an outdoor concert. In the big city. I cannot remember how I ended up there but sometime around supper time we headed off to the event site and got a place to sit in the field. Eventually on stage a young man appeared. I only remember one song from his repertoire and that was because the the song became part of our culture. This isn’t a reference to an American Pie when I heard the song it was already famous. A lot of airplay on the radio. I had not bought the vinyl but I was really interested to see how famous people performed. This was something that I had very little experience with. And so we watched the concert and we sang along at the appropriate times and then we went home very low key if you will no huge crowds just some people sitting in the grass listening to an artist that for us was familiar. Because of that one song. I have never seen him since but at least I was there once at a time when his fame was new not yet a subject for Rolling Stone magazine I could probably find the real date of the concert but why bother it changes nothing about such a short story I can tell you that I was there when Don performed for Canada and I still remember it decades later a good musical moment this afternoon. I watched the documentary about when he started in the music business. He rode a bicycle and delivered newspapers he had no plans of being a famous singer when he started out.  

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