22nd June 2024

Pressing the right buttons

Please do not laugh. It has taken me until now to figure out how to lock the RV. With the remote. It all seems rather simple in retrospect and I had learned how to unlock it by pushing buttons. Randomly. But when I tried to re-lock it I seemed to be stymied. So of course I tried the other remote and the results were identical. Makes sense because the remote’s are identical other than the usual battery problems but I wanted to know where I was falling short. So I got myself into better light and I noticed one of those symbols they had until then eluded me a very prominent lock symbol beside one of the buttons I had not yet pressed. All is now good and I can move on to other nonexistent problems. And yes I tried using the key and no that did not do it I will learn more about that at another time. As I notice I have been watching others who actually live in their RV. There are so many of them. And the reason for all the videos is that each group has a different set of difficulties. What I hope from watching all these videos is to cover my basis. Avoid the simple things. No this is not an announcement that I plan to move in the RV full time. I am quite comfortable in my own home but I want to know what my possibilities would be if we decided to go on a trip that lasted for more than a few weeks. We have so many places we have not yet gone to. I’m thinking South a little, the temperatures there are off the charts right now. Even at home we’re using the air conditioner slash chiller more and more often. In the beginning it was a novelty. Then a luxury. And now quite frankly a necessity. And we’re still not out of the month of June. I suspect that this summer is going to be a real test of my ability to enjoy too much heat. The other day when I went outside it reminded me of standing in front of an open oven. Not something I do often but that i have done in past. Things are warmer than they used to be.

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