19th June 2024

Being prepared

The video I just watched, is careful to remind me that our bear spray would be out of date by now. That led to so many other threads. You see we have no bears here. We have not had any apparently for better than a century. And if you have a dog you might need to defend your dog but we don’t have a dog either so some things are really not needed in our inventory. Also when you cross the border they ask you if you are carrying any bear spray and we have always been able to say no because we do not travel with it. But what if we did? What if we had a sudden impulse in a sporting goods store to restock the bear spray we no longer have you see how this is heading I realized that I am probably safe from bear attack. If I know I’m heading into territory where the rules are different I will then re-educate myself. For now it’s just one of those details in the life of those who are prepared for every occasion. I figured out many years ago that by staying inside, being attack by a bear is not high on my list of dangers. And as for the dog he should know better than to provoke the bear. That would be my job preferably with a big stick. If I get into a camping goods store I will take the time to inform myself about the validity of my ideas. I will check to see if the people working in the store carry bear spray on their hip. A good sign because they would show whether or not the danger was high. Meanwhile I’ll just go happily on my way sure that in my backyard the largest danger comes from happy foxes. I did hear a coyote the other night but that might have been my imagination.

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