1st June 2024

Mirror image of bed and breakfast

In a province where the highway seemed to follow the various bays there is always another new reach. Tonight we are north of the TCH close to a place called Triton. I will find it on the map eventually. We’re here to try that variation of a bed and breakfast no I think as a supper in bed. Good food though. It is rare that I dine on lamb shank. And after supper was done we headed up to our suite, replete with a bidet and a wonderful heater. I mean last night wasn’t bad in the RV but you do stretch things when the heat goes out halfway through the night and you have to bear down until daylight. We also got in an exhibit building with the skeleton of a fairly good sized whale. A sperm whale according to person in charge. We had an interesting couple of hours learning more and more then I had ever thought to know about this species. We were not alone there were a number of tourists on hand despite the closed sign. I also have to try and figure that one out. We know that our days are numbered and we will soon have to pack away our dreams of traveling all summer and go back home. To be fair we never dreamed of traveling all summer but things like that can happen I suppose once you get to a certain age and your list of responsibilities drops away. As I said the food was good and the company was better even though we could not hear ourselves talk softly to each other due to the next table conversations. Young people tend to use their outdoor voice even when inside. But it doesn’t matter I’m now under a huge comforter and I am warm and I will sleep until dawn and then we will find another direction to travel. Isn’t that what vacations are supposed to be like? One of my sons is currently cycling in Norway. I’m not sure that his scenery or roads are any different. Something about the north and the way it bounces the asphalt up and down and back again. Not much else I can add tonight I think I’ve hit my talk quota for the afternoon.

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