28th June 2024

The debate was weak

The debate was held before the election. That might be the only good thing in the whole plan. It seems that the debate that I did not watch last night went poorly for all involved. Remember these are trained professionals and yet they can’t seem to get the act together. Either one. There are still months to go before the election and that will give the majority of people time to forget. And they will because that’s one thing about the voting public. Their memory span is short. Even if the media goes out of its way to journalize what happened the average person will not go back to watch a debate from months before. Some things are just too painful I guess. Meanwhile up here in the north we’re years away from our next election and the loss of a single seat earlier this week was still news although the 500 votes separating the two should have been more of a detail than it was. You see this was a safe seat, until it was lost. Now it is just roadkill on that long path to the next government. I live in a part of the country were such things rarely happen. We have very well trained electors and they always vote the way the parties want. Not so much in the big city where the crowd changes continually. I mean I was surprised when somebody had told me how I was going to vote because of how my grand father had voted. People believe such things. Elsewhere in the world elections come and go but in North America we think they’re important. Democracy. Rarely do we actually look at the underlying trends or the same people hang around for decades. Seriously. When was the last time we actually had a new government. We tend to recycle our ideas over and over again. Recycle should not mean reuse but it does in electoral terms. And so I am able to sit back and check out the results of that big debate from yesterday knowing that it matters very little. Besides, I will not be voting. Another country. I will watch only for the comedy and there is some. If one of the debaters can barely speak and the other can only tell lies you end up with results that change very little of the actual news stream. It would be magical if they suddenly found new candidates at the last minute. I suppose we can hope.

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