2nd July 2024

One of my terrible jobs

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Enough years have passed that I can talk about my worst job interview ever. It was not a crisis but it does bring back memories of how the corporation will lie to you. You see in those days there were lots of factories and in fact I had worked for one of those factories less than a year before had a great time working there left on good terms we’re back to school and now I needed another job I assumed that my old job was sitting there waiting for me because I didn’t know any better and so I went to the personnel office introduced myself and asked to speak to the personnel director I laid my case out that I was a returning employee that I expected to start again immediately he looked up from his papers took my resume read through it quickly and then told me that my old job was not available that year however seeing that on my resume I had listed taking sociology courses he felt he had something that would be even more interesting for me than what I had done the previous summer I could have a job in the foundry I did not know what that meant but I was game I could handle any job you could put before me so I said sure and reported to work several days later. My first task was to put big weights on top of the sand molds the weights were too large for me to even lift so they decided that that was not the proper task for me. I could have a job working on the hot cast shakeout again just meaningless words and so I said sure and was brought down past all the heavy machinery to a corner where I could stand by a moving belt; this was a foundry with an outside wall against a snow bank and the temperature went from very cold to very hot very quickly as well the machinery was not well maintained so I spent a portion of each shift with a shovel digging out around the belt. I did not require many days to figure out that this was a really terrible way to spend a summer and after a tragic accident on the shop floor, I went home spent the night awake reported to manpower the next morning looking for something or anything else and never returned to the foundry. The personnel director had lied and that was all he was getting from me.

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