1st July 2024

Leftover from math class

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During all those years did I spend in school there was one big lie. Quite apart from all the little lies that were told. Somebody was convinced that studying mathematics would be of value later in life. Spoiler alert, it hasn’t been other than at the most cursory level those hours that I was placed in agony trying to decode quadratic equations and exponents did not serve me not even once in sharp contrast with my hours with a dictionary trying to decipher old Latin texts was actually a value and my courses in pure science for example chemistry and physics were good but the average run-of-the-mill mathematics class was just one way to keep us in the same place for an hour so the rest of the world could go on. I hope my children escape now. You may wonder has anyone ever asked me to go back to math class? No not even for an hour. I did spend time as a substitute teacher in mathematics where I learned that all the answers were kept in a special book but that was hardly the point of the exercise. Once I learned that the answers were all known the problem seemed less obvious. In the same vein, I did not find my fortune while studying equations. I have a larger problem my phone number is being targeted. I get more than a dozen calls every couple of hours from scammers. I wonder if they can answer mathematical questions. A Turing test if you will, prove that you have intelligence but that won’t happen each time I get close to being able to query the caller, they go away. They figured out that I have no money to give them and that I am trying to waste their time like a modern day math teacher.

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