5th June 2024

Away to terra firma

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This was a day to sail away. Away from Terra Nova and back to Terra Firma. A bright sunny day with calm seas middle to do but wait out the five or six hours of passage. We even went for a full meal in the restaurant. The only moments to note in today’s travel were the differences between boarding debarking. To get on board the ship we had asked for assistance and we were allowed to join in a parade of flashing lights which took us right to the apron of the elevator. Excellent service. At the other end of the chip the complete opposite. Called to descend to our vehicles was oddly timed. Go when you can it seemed to be. What you should know is that for people trapped in tiny elevators the idea of flight or fight comes first. I’ve learned to keep my head down in such moments but there is no patience among those who think that the other half of the boat is going to leave without them. And so it went. We were safely in our van and traveling before the stress had worn away. And now we’re back in the campground we visited at the other end of the trip. The feeling of coming home when the Wi-Fi recognized as you immediately. This will be a normal night and tomorrow morning we will head straight for the next boat. We dumped all our dirty water this morning because as I’ve said before that’s something you do when you can. And by the time we get back home tomorrow evening it will be as if we had never left. Well not exactly like because no travel is free but we have managed to do 3 weeks away in the RV which is a new record for this vehicle as someone in the background points out, 24 days today. Where will our next trip be to? Who knows. I heard rumours of a visit to the Magdalen Islands. Another five hours sail for those who are counting. I did ask the guy in the gift shop if he was able to work all winter long and the answer was affirmative. The route to Newfoundland is a busy one with hundreds of vehicles every day. For the main part; large trucks. This is how you feed a hungry province when the cars have gone away.

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