7th June 2024

Counting the miles

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Now that we’re back home it is time to do some metrics period. Our trip was approximately 4200 kilometers. Not exact but good enough. We do know how many times we had to get on a boat and we do know where we went put all that together and you can make a pretty good trip report. If anyone else was interested. We had no flat tires no serious incidents and we know that we can keep warm on a cold night. Thanks to an electric heater. We saw some new things and we saw some old things we went uphill and downhill and we learned that there is snow even in the month of June if you go to the right place. Are we going back next year? Who knows? We have a whole winter to decide that part. What did I learn? That the people there are really friendly and that the boat is usually sailing through smooth waters period. Do you need more than that? Again who knows? What I did notice is that there were fewer moose on the roads than I expected. That is probably a good thing and also due to the time of year we were traveling. I imagine that by the end of the summer those poor giant beasts are being tormented by the bugs. Did we have much problem with bugs? There was a mosquito or two but that was it between the bugs and the smooth sailing we’re all home again. And no I did not send any postcards. Seems very old school and also requires that I track people’s current addresses. Even my mother has sold her house. Posthumously. Someone else might ask if I’m going to miss the old place. Not so much. I have been gone from there for 1/2 century and although I could find my way around the house in the dark that is hardly a life skill. I wish the new owners, whoever, good luck and warm winters. Make that gas bill meaning natural gas worth something. And do not leave the doors open you never know who might wander in.

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