12th June 2024

Assuring the heat

I have a reasonable level of DIY mentality. Not that I actually do many of the jobs myself but I want to know if I could under extreme need. I mean, I do have some hand tools and I am willing to try at least once and I rarely end up losing any blood. So when we heard from the RV dealership that we would need to replace something to do with the propane furnace and that there are two options I wanted to know more the options were obvious we could either drive over there which is several hours in each direction or we could have it done locally. That left me with the curiosity to know if I could do the job myself. And so I did what we all do. I watched some videos. I mean i’m not even sure which piece needs to replaced but if they’re going to send it to me in a box i could perhaps figure it out. And so I went watching. Like almost everything else in this world any job that can be done by a reasonably qualified technician can be done by someone who’s willing to give it a try. I could actually turn off the propane remove the out of use piece and put a new one in place. The major test to the tool involves some soapy water. How hard could that be? And so now that I’ve thought the situation through the rest you can rest easily. I will not be trying to do the job but I did want to know what was involved. Would this be an afternoon or a week and it looks like an afternoon once the long drive is done. The other alternative means forgoing cheap heat and remaining with electricity. I want to have both options. I will let you know when the job is done. After someone else has done the necessary work and the necessary testing and we know that we can simply be warm at night. I know, summer takes care of most of that but until we get into the hot days I want to worry about the cold days.

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