17th June 2024

Gentle breezes

Today’s weather was and is wonderful. Sunny with gentle breezes and temperatures that made the air inside and outside of the house roughly equal. Paradise if you will. In sharp contrast I took the time to listen to that station down South that details how the weather has gone off the rails. A whole nation hit with the kind of weather you only write about normally. They’re breaking records almost everywhere. And my only worry is are we next. Will tomorrow’s forecast mean that I will have to start huddling in the basement. Who knows. Obviously things are a little out of control and there are those who want to make sure it stays that way. At least that’s my take on it. Every time someone talks about trying to mitigate global warming those with an iron in the fire rebel. They want their oil money. They want our oil money. Spend, baby, spend. Some people are not rich enough yet. That leaves me with another fear. What if they discovered that the weather up here is nice. Will they invade to take over our pristine beaches. It could happen. Outside the birds are singing and the lawn is growing and I realize that I have lucked out. I could easily have packed my bags and headed south convinced that I too could be rich. But I did not. Most of my family can still visit me because we are all eligible for passports that are respected. Think how much worse that could be. And so I should probably go back outside lay back and listen to the birds while the gentle breezes blow by. Will I? Who knows. I have become lazy. Exactly the kind of lazy that is fostered by ideal temperatures. Not much I can add to that. I live where I want to be and life is good.

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