11th June 2024

Getting the lawn trimmed

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My role today is to sit and wait. Or more correctly to sit and sleep. We are waiting for our big green machine to get some service so we hired someone from the community to come in and lower the grass level period. My only comment is that people who do this for a living develop speed. I could see the flag go by the window much faster then I expected. I do not have a large acreage. Probably just over an acre when you calculate in the area for the driveway and the house. And we bought our more, used, going on seven years ago. As I said a big green machine which means that it runs until it doesn’t. My own guess is that we really need a new oil filter but I know little of these things. In fact I probably could not find the oil filter. What I do take care of is pumping up the tire that goes flat every few days. This is a machine with heritage. Getting it running is a much cheaper plan then going out and buying something with a fresh paint job. Although, that is not yet being discounted. Finding someone who would come in to do the area was not a big challenge. Young people earn money where they can and for someone with a trailer and a mower and are willing to go and wait for payment doing lawns is a good deal. Back in my day we shovelled snow but global warming has removed that position of authority. I suppose there were other things I could have done to earn money and I did find some but having a shovel and a willingness to go up the street meant that I could earn a few bucks here and there. Now going door to door with a lawnmower on the back of your truck is the new way of getting a little bit more cash. As I said, I have been waiting for someone to arrive. There is a man going to come by to have a look at our machine and all I have to do is be here to answer questions. And so I will wait as the afternoon dwindles I wonder if he’ll put it off until another day.

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