20th June 2024

I return to retro

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The advertisement was brought to my attention period. My favourite company for photographic gear has just released a new camera body. The difference from what’s been going on over the last few years is that this is a return to origins. A film camera body . I had almost forgotten about that sort of thing. I bought my first camera body that used film more than 1/2 century ago and I made very good use of it. But I had access to a whole set of accessories. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the darkroom it is more than a room with the lights turned off. Anyone buying this new camera either must have very deep pockets to keep paying for someone else to process their film or they are if you’ll excuse the term cruel to themselves. I cannot tell you how many gallons of chemistry I have mixed over the years. I can also tell you that I have not mixed that same chemistry during the lifetime of my children who are now adults. It really is something from the past. I would say dark past that’s overkill. In the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing a film camera can turn out outstanding results. But, I would not mortgage my home to get back into the trade. I do not want to return to a life this saw me in the dark most of the time. If I were to buy back into the idea of a film camera I could continue to use my lenses that have been acquired over that time. The darkroom on the other hand is all gone either sold it off or gave it away to other people who did not realize what a lifetime of pain they were buying into. You cannot drink developer and you cannot drink fixer but you may consume a lot of beer in getting through the hoops. Why this ad came to my attention is from someone else who keeps thinking that the next best camera is just around the corner. I had to point out that we both had already been down that road and that when you retrace your pass you do not become better at it you just accept the familiar. I wish the company good fortune may this cell as many of this new body as they can get into the hands of their dealers period. I though will not be joining their ranks again I have gone decidedly digital. And if you wonder why just tell yourself that that quarter of a second to take a picture has nothing to do with the hours of getting a print into your hands. Technology has moved on and so have I. Yes I still remember all the rudiments and yes I could probably put a roll of film into a camera and give you back something of value but life is too short for such things.

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