13th June 2024

Spending too much

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Imagine that you belong to a professional group. Coloured a fraternal organization if you will. From time to time you get together for a luncheon or a banquet. And at each occasion there is this one member who spends time making comments about you. About your willingness to dress beyond your means or purchase meals from the menu that are overly expensive. Your plate is full so you say little but it goes great. Now expand that to your group having a world presence. And one member continues to demean you. Comments about your ability to spend money while with the group. I am drawing a parallel here. To an organization that Canada has belonged to for my whole life. A group devoted to peace as long as you are paying for theirs. You know who I mean. A group with the initials NATO. And one of our neighbours continues to make open comments or how we’re not spending the money that we should. We’re talking a lot of money here and if we were to start trying to emulate the spending of our neighbours we would bankrupt our nation. We have issues like everyone else but spending all of her extra cash on toys makes little sense to me at least. I wonder what we can do about such a situation. From what I have read simply not going to the meetings anymore would be seen as an affront. Did I mention that that one member is also perceived as being a bully at heart? Now you know who I mean. I wish things were different. This is an organization which claims to be there for the good of all. What is the point of saying that others have to match spending that is beyond your means at least. Keep an eye on this because the story is not over yet.

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