16th June 2024

Misplaced content

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We all have things that cause stress. For each one they differ. Right now my own burr under the saddle is that I am missing two log posts. Posts that I know I wrote but I seem to have disappeared after a bit of bad Wi-Fi. An analogy for bad water I guess. Why does this matter? Well in part because I take pride in continuity. I tried to create a new blog post every single day. It is a part of my personality. The difference is that I have been doing this for very close to two decades. No missed days. I have had to do certain work arounds but I’ve got past them. Until now. I think that the two posts exist among all my other noise. The catch is that I do not actually see what I’m writing anymore nor can I easily go back and decide that that page needs to be re-inserted into the continuum. I will require some assistance at the local level. Someone else is going to have to go and read my idle thoughts. I know, this will change nothing for anyone else. But I have this desire to do something that is if you will solid. If I say to you that I have been doing this for two decades I do not want an if in the middle that says except for those two days. I want to fix this and in a world where what I see on screen is simply grey it becomes difficult. I have already decided that if the posts are no longer available I can create new content. I know the dates and I know where I was. Quite easy to tell you a story that is a few minutes long. One of the skills I have fostered in blogging. So what does this mean? Well it probably means that I am compulsive as opposed to creative. You can decide. I know that a lifetime ago creating a single page of text was a big job. Not anymore. I have the skills and the verbosity to make new articles out of almost nothing at all. You can probably see that if you read along. But I want my badge of honour back. I want to look at the title page and say that this represents continuity. Continually. Maybe this weekend or maybe next week. The original articles are still on my tablet albeit hidden from me.

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