11th October 2011

I’m still confused, but I understand

Maybe there is a need for CSI. In NB, a man was found dead in his field, full of holes. His herd of deer were seen nearby. No, dear, not bullet holes. Antler holes. Did anybody think to interview the bystanders? I didn’t think so.

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10th October 2011

The great autumn putaway

Around my house, autumn stands for “take down and put away”. The pool and its paraphenalia. The family yurt (not really, but I’m lost to identify what else in history looks like a tent but lives beside my house). The various shovels and rakes and dutch hoes and other tools that stand for a green lawn among all the others.

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9th October 2011

Seldom heard

With a few hours available, I decided that today would be a good opportunity to investigate something I’ve only heard in rumour: propagation beacons.

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8th October 2011

Some HD in our future

The following advice applies to a local football team. Anyone else who feels they can profit; be my guest. If you allow your quarterback to get sacked, over and over again (eight times), and if you take a series of stupid penalties, you will lose the game. No matter that you are usually “unbeatable”. Mark today on your calendar, and make a resolution to do better in future.

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7th October 2011

Removing the random from the household soundtrack

As charming as it might be in nature, running water in the house just gets on the nerves. Particularly, when the sound is 24/7 from a toilet. No relaxed spirits here; we’ve been awake at night, and the sub voce about “how come nobody can find a hardware store” has soured family moments. Tonight my excuse list ran out, and so did I. The toilet has been repaired, for a little less than $4 and a few minutes of “arm up to the elbow in cold and wet”.

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posted in music, Wx | Comments Off on Removing the random from the household soundtrack | 257 words

6th October 2011

Copies and derivatives

Once again, I’ve lost an hour of my life. With the usual rejoinder; that I can’t get back. I turned on the TV, heard a familiar tune and saw a familiar title. Let down my defences.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Copies and derivatives | 253 words

5th October 2011

Hit or miss proposition

Spooky… the resident iPad 2 just chimed. Steve Jobs has left the building. Didn’t know that operating systems were programmed to do such things.

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posted in computing, humour | Comments Off on Hit or miss proposition | 255 words

4th October 2011

Unexpected results abound

My ebook reader comes with a gentle, daily reminder from its parent that I should read more. Read equals buy, but that’s an other discussion for another day. The thing is, there’s a lot of stuff to read between now and the end of (my) time.

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posted in education | Comments Off on Unexpected results abound | 253 words

3rd October 2011

Timeshifted TV

So much for an exciting evening. On the Island, the polls closed just over an hour ago, and the coverage is already done. Same old, same old. Not even fireworks. There have been other years when the web content was titillating. Guess I’ll have to wait another four years. For my turn…

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Timeshifted TV | 273 words

2nd October 2011

Minor household surgery

If ever, and with the strange interventions of government, this could be an issue, they decide to close the hardware stores on Sunday, we will see the average home fall in ruin. No other time so fits the schedule of the handy man.

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