• TubaOrNotTuba

  • Removing the random from the household soundtrack

7th October 2011

Removing the random from the household soundtrack

posted in music, Wx |

As charming as it might be in nature, running water in the house just gets on the nerves. Particularly, when the sound is 24/7 from a toilet. No relaxed spirits here; we’ve been awake at night, and the sub voce about “how come nobody can find a hardware store” has soured family moments. Tonight my excuse list ran out, and so did I. The toilet has been repaired, for a little less than $4 and a few minutes of “arm up to the elbow in cold and wet”.

Of course, a visit to a hardware store also marks the change in seasons. Right now, those who love their cars more than anything else are building shelters. The “tempo” season. with tents that resemble refugee housing forming lines throughout the suburbs. In the aisles of the hardware store, enough poly sheeting and aluminum tubing to permit the UN to solve the crisis in Africa. No, we don’t “tempo” here.

We’ve been promised a change in the weather. If the probs hold, an “Indian summer”. Technically, it means that we’ve already had frost, and now we’re heading for beach weather. Up close to 30C over the weekend, and a last opportunity to cut the lawn, empty the pool, hide the patio furniture and other such pastimes. Snow is a constant threat from now until May. Not yet, but I’ll keep you informed.

There’s a traditional music festival somewhere in the city, and on the news they interviewed Havelange, from Belgium. Not exactly Celtic, not exactly Breton. I’d like to hear more. Maybe.


This entry was posted on Friday, October 7th, 2011 at 20:59 and is filed under music, Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 257 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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