Stress from reduced visibility
I’m not fixated on climate change… I want some. Enough with the precipitated water crystals.
posted in Wx | Comments Off on Stress from reduced visibility | 254 words
I’m not fixated on climate change… I want some. Enough with the precipitated water crystals.
posted in Wx | Comments Off on Stress from reduced visibility | 254 words
Snippets of deep truth, from the cast of Glee: “I live the glamorous life of a substitute teacher.”
posted in Idol, music | Comments Off on Snippets of life | 259 words
In response to the question from someone about the current status of my bucket list; I’m working on it. Slowly. So that it can last a lifetime, even if I get distracted.
posted in humour | Comments Off on Not on the bucket list | 253 words
It has nothing to do with laziness. The reason why we shouldn’t change off the winter tires around here is that the season for new snowfall isn’t over yet. Sigh.
posted in politics, Wx | Comments Off on Airframes worth their weight in paper money | 259 words
I’m older now, and able to buy some of the little things that would have made sense a long time ago. Case in point: I now own a drum stick bag. Took me just short of four decades to get around to it.
posted in economy, music, Wx | Comments Off on A long overdue purchase | 273 words
A collector and the Internet go hand in hand. In the old days, we depended on scarce catalogs, or bits of identification gleaned from the rare contacts with other, like-minded folk. Now, if you can Google or Wiki, the answers are there. Literally, figuratively, whateverly. And I don’t care if you don’t think that’s a word; it works for me.
posted in computing | Comments Off on The informed collector | 277 words
Good music on the radio this evening. Mind, radio is a relative term; I’m listening to an internet feed that is decent quality in my headphones. Earlier, there was a video feed, thanks to the ECMA people. If I can’t be there, then they’re going to do the outreach thing and I have to say thank you, even if there’s no way for them to hear me.
posted in music | Comments Off on Clearing away the grey | 258 words
I should take a couple of aspirin and go lie down, the better to resolve a headache brought on by the accumulation of four hours of political debate. Four hours of my life that I can never get back, might say a wiser man, but I did tune in for two consecutive evenings by choice. And oh, if I only had a choice. Clearly, things in Ottawa haven’t changed for the better, even in 2011. Pity. Maybe we need a different strategy, because what we’re doing right now isn’t working.
posted in music, politics | Comments Off on Easing my headache with a little bit of ECMA | 264 words
Part of the democratic process requires an informed electorate. The prospective voter must, and I emphasize, must take the time to find out the issues, the proposed corrections and the future intentions. I’m doing my part, one evening at a time.
posted in politics, Wx | Comments Off on The bickering debates | 265 words
Springtime brings new records. Things like a high temperature of 15.6C (yesterday) and gasoline at $1.35/l (today). A mix of good and bad.
posted in humour | Comments Off on Telling time | 257 words