31st May 2011

Cover it and they will come

This is not an economic allegory. This is history, freshly baked.

Once upon a time, there was a successful little city, with a bustling downtown, surrounded by history. The shoppers came and went, content that their local merchants had a sense of fashion, and that the tramway stopped at the front door of the major and minor shops, without prejudice.

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30th May 2011

Inspired by sunshine

Finally, a sunny day! Inspirational. Proof: I started the pool and upgraded my installation of Linux.

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29th May 2011

Windy world, elsewhere

A quiet evening at home, after a day (days) of rain. Didn’t get around to filling the pool, since Nature has already done enough. If thing warm up later this week, I might get around to attaching the hoses and filter. Meanwhile, the local birds are leaving an execrable mess, as they dampen their food in the local lake. A hex on your nests.

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posted in media, Wx | Comments Off on Windy world, elsewhere | 265 words

28th May 2011

I can feel the pain

I hold a secret spot in my heart for the people that appear on the various programs dealing with the bric-a-brac from their  homes. Particularly, Antiques Roadshow, carried by both the CBC and PBS, in various national editions. If ever the common man had a niche, it is here.

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27th May 2011

Attacking the problems

No joke intended; sometimes we can lose sight of things. I’ve got two rooms in the house where we haven’t seen the floor in years. Their problem, not mine. And if ever, through some flaw in the time-space continuum, a cleanup occurs and the people involved find money… I’ll be very happy for them.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Attacking the problems | 273 words

26th May 2011

Silly things I learned today

Among the silly things I learned today; if you lock your cellphone and forget the password, then you’ve complicated your life. One of our corporate loaners is protected (for now). Removing the battery and the SIM won’t do it, and Google didn’t reveal a magic master code. The phone will take a trip back to Bell, at who knows what cost.

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posted in humour, Idol | Comments Off on Silly things I learned today | 263 words

25th May 2011

Solving my growing problem

Focus on the problem, plan the attack, go. That’s the way to get the lawn done.

There is a forecast of six days of rain, which means that if the lawn doesn’t get a haircut, we’ll be advancing to a new level in horticulture: lawn forestry. Or something similar. I don’t think that grass actually grows into trees, but I don’t own a baler. Know what I mean.

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24th May 2011

Circumstances beyond my control

Two years ago, we decided to change the way one particular job “got done”. Forget the assisted technology. We were going to mow the lawn with an old school, push it and pray, reel mower. Two summers have gone by, and today the first cut of the season beckoned. Alas, the mower has gone into hiding. Three person search teams, a grid pattern, nothing to show for the effort. Tomorrow, or the next, we’re going to buy a new lawn mower.

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posted in Idol, technology | Comments Off on Circumstances beyond my control | 277 words

23rd May 2011

No matter that the sun did not shine

A lack of daily sunshine might seem troubling to others, but I have found a solution. My weather station website offered to report the hours of sunlight. I didn’t have the necessary sensor, given a current price of more than $200. Ergo, I’ve edited the webpage and removed the tag. Problem solved. I can measure the rain.

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22nd May 2011

Planning to carry

Got to pace myself; long weekend and all. Do the things that require outside effort during the high holy sunlight time, and keep the inside jobs for later. Or not. It’s the weekend, and there’s no reason to get all stressed and strained.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on Planning to carry | 277 words

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