Solving my growing problem
Focus on the problem, plan the attack, go. That’s the way to get the lawn done.
There is a forecast of six days of rain, which means that if the lawn doesn’t get a haircut, we’ll be advancing to a new level in horticulture: lawn forestry. Or something similar. I don’t think that grass actually grows into trees, but I don’t own a baler. Know what I mean.
I did my shopping online. Comparisons, budget analysis, the whole deal. When the car got home, son #3 and I were ready to go buying. Shopping phase complete. Acrsss town to the mall, spot the preferred model, pay cash, collect a rather over-size box from the shipping door, head back home. Via the gas station. Can’t plan for everything. The car needed to be home by the witching hour, but we were there with minutes to spare.
Unbox the mower on the back deck, admire the streamlined plastic cowling (a downgrade from the last mower’s thick steel finish), and jump to the natural conclusion; watching son #3 do the lawn during the final hours of sunlight. I feel like I’ve accomplished something great.
Here’s the really interesting thing. In spite of my slap-dash solution, and the lack of reflection, the missing reel mower did not suddenly reappear. No tripping over it, or finding it with my head… it might really be gone. To the new owner: although I detest your invasion of my personal space, I hope that you’ll find great joy in your return to “the good old ways”. May your grounds be well kept, and may you vote for the Green Party in some future electoral iteration. After you get out of one of the new prisons, of course.