Used to be, if you wanted to watch people “beating” on one another, you tuned in the hockey match. Or, for something really different, an afternoon of roller derby. In this new century (if I can use the habits of family members), the spectator evening of choice involves something called UFC. Not to be confused with KFC, which doesn’t like to be watched.
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posted in pets |
With a degree of sadness, I have a confession. Today, I slept in. And through my failure to get my head above my toes, I missed The Wedding.
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posted in media |
Just as in hockey, a great save doesn’t win the Idol game. At least, not for Casey Abrams, who was sent home this evening. Funny how talent is not enough in the media game, because he was the whole package. The kind of guy you’d want at your jam session. And in return for constantly “delivering the merchandise”, he’s now a statistic.
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posted in health, Idol |
You’re in the public eye. You’re in competition for the top spot. Every time you open your mouth, you’re being judged. And you’re in it to win. So… is this American Idol, or the current Canadian election? And outside of a dedicated audience that votes, does it matter?
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posted in humour |
For years, the family looked at me oddly before piling into the car for a day trip. T-Day, and the T stood not for travel but rather taxes. More particularly, tax return production, wherein I covered the kitchen table with piles of paper, renewed my calculator keyboard skills and then tried to keep my blood pressure below the point where an aneurism occurred.
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posted in economy, politics |
Today, my “cup ranneth over”. After a month of political mudslinging, I headed over to the advance poll and did my part for democracy. Yes, I’m an early decider (I also abhor standing in line for anything other than free stuff). Despite what new detail might be added by the postulants for power in the next few days, I’ve marked the ballot and will live with the consequences.
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posted in media, politics |
Let’s be frank; I’m not much of a traveller. The usual litany: no time, no money, no desire, pray for us. However, from back in the time of Seven League Boots, I’ve been willing to watch a good travel documentary. You know, just in case.
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posted in travel |
Perhaps the post office slipped up, I thought. The envelope containing my invite to the nups hasn’t arrived, but delays are part of life in the colonies. Ocean crossings and all. Except that the official list of guests has been released and I can’t find my name (or anyone else that I call a close personal relative) among the anointed. Time to cancel the tux rental.
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posted in humour |
Holiday weekend equals a reason for a holiday meal. Except. With a mobile family, scheduling is paramount. This time around, the only common moment for we five was today at suppertime. In anticipation, I awoke early and made my way to the nearest supermarket to fetch foodstuffs.
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posted in pets |
Used to be, in Canadian politcs, that we had a predictable world. Two parties in constant opposition, a few smaller parties to provide (comic) relief and polls that were useful to the undecided voter. After all, if it wasn’t one of the big guys, it was the other. Easy to understand.
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posted in politics |