The box makes the meal
Add this to the list of things we don’t learn in grade school. Foods can be improved by packaging. Let me tell you a little story about that.
posted in food | Comments Off on The box makes the meal | 267 words
Add this to the list of things we don’t learn in grade school. Foods can be improved by packaging. Let me tell you a little story about that.
posted in food | Comments Off on The box makes the meal | 267 words
Nuts! Cashews, actually, and they are so tasty, it’s nuts! Hey, maybe I can get a job in advertising.
posted in food | Comments Off on Mixed nuts | 253 words
For a sense of déjà vu, look no further than the announcement earlier today about the “leader debate”. Once again, the big kids have told the little kid (in this case, the leader of the Green Party) that she is not welcome when they dress up and play important games on TV. It has nothing to do with “she”, I hope, and everything to do with a bad dose of self-importance.
posted in politics, Wx | Comments Off on Discrimination on our behalf? I don’t think so | 261 words
Still early, but there might be one visually exciting development in the way electoral campaigns are run. Fewer pole posters.
posted in politics | Comments Off on Pole posters | 258 words
Let’s get this party started! I’m sitting, front row no less, at the Juno Award show. Bit crowded; there are several million of us. If the TV feed fails, I’ll be back to imagining.
posted in music | Comments Off on From my front row seat | 264 words
Yesterday, the opposition formed a coalition and “broke” the government. Today, in true phoenix fashion, the parties arose and began the marathon of hyperbole. Another election campaign is underway. Hold onto your hats and hide the young children.
posted in economy, environment | Comments Off on Hectic shoppers from aisle to aisle | 254 words
At the risk of offending a certain sector of the population, I’m going to vent. We’re home from a three hour shopping trip, that took us across the city in a snowstorm. After dealing with the staff of three different stores, I am sure of only one thing. Apple specialists are full of hubris and not much real knowledge.
posted in technology | Comments Off on Finding a seed of knowledge in the apple barrel | 298 words
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, because if it is then maybe you can’t. There: a one sentence explanation of Acrobat.
posted in health | Comments Off on Picturing the additional hardware | 285 words
The Idol competition is one of attrition. Start with a huge mass, scrape away the peeling, remove the sections, one by one until all that remains is a single (hopefully full of talent) core. The process is slow, so I took a few weeks off, but I came back to my seat in the audience this evening.
posted in economy, Idol | Comments Off on Keeping the old dudes in the game | 261 words
In the news: Castro quit. Five years ago. And nobody around here even noticed. Talk about “flying under the radar”.
posted in humour, politics | Comments Off on Is zip lining legal? | 256 words