11th December 2011

Big books and bad bugs

The intrepid Maxwell (Smart) used to say “Missed me by that much!”. Pretty much how I feel.

Today’s newspaper carried the story that a local food dealer had withdrawn a number of their products from the supermarket chain where I shop. Something about possible contamination from a variety of bacteria,  Listeria. To which I reply “OMG”, which is also my reaction to OGM.  A pathogen that cannot be detected by any of my working senses, and that might require up to a month before there is any manifestation (hence the “OMG”). I might get sick, yet. I have a good feeling about this one, though. While I would normally have piled the couscous and bean salad onto my plate, I think I skipped it, last time around.

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10th December 2011

Rules and wires

Every time I receive a firmware update for one of my gadgets, I get a warm and cuddly feeling. Somewhere, someone cares enough to improve my lot. Two times today (two ebook readers). One now boasts a clock, because you can lose all track of time while “between the pages” of a good book. Or ebook. Same thing.

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9th December 2011

Make a little noise, maybe

Quiet house this evening. My fault; I should really get out my noisy stuff and create the next World Symphony. Won’t happen. Instead, I’ll be asleep long before anyone else gets back from wherever they are.

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8th December 2011

A new point of view

Some people change their hair colour. Others change their religion. Aftler many years, I have taken a quick moment to reflect, and I think I’ll change my label. Nothing to do with brand loyalty.

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7th December 2011

A return to past pleasures

Scratch another of my misconceptions. Holiday lighting is valuable, and not just to shareholders in the electric company.

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6th December 2011

Updates by approximation

Two hours now. I’ve been sitting in front of a screen, trying to get past the hurdle of system updates. Two machines, which means twice the fun.

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5th December 2011

Two wrongs make it all right

Forget the great Canadian novel Two Solitudes, wherein the premise was that Canada was divided along linguistic lines. Outmoded/Passée. Instead, spend some time reading through the daily comment file on the CBC news website. We have divided into two camps, (one of them a fishing camp) and the Shakespearian paraphrase is “Harperism: To be or not to be”.

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4th December 2011

Mapping my life

When you write your autobiography, don’t forget to include a map of where you’ve lived. After all, the detail is what makes the story.

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3rd December 2011

Shrinking your music collection to a suitable size

When the call came, I had flashbacks to the days when we rented videos. Please return the dog. Odd irony. And for the record, she (the dog) is hopeless at finding her toys when it’s time to travel.

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2nd December 2011

Transported into a cultural Christmas market

“…look a lot like Christmas”. Yeah, if you follow our lead and go into the centre of the city to shop in a German inspired craft fair, replete with spiced wines and bratwurst and too many ornaments to count. Seasonal music, projected images on the front of the Basilique, dogs with owners. Icy footing in the dark. Even some huge pine cones (large enough to substitute for a football). Everything one could want after a full day at work.

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