8th February 2011

From silver salts to digital dots

The change from silver salts to digital dots is really enough to make my head spin. In a good way, I guess. But how do I begin to compare?

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7th February 2011

Distracted by the meme

There oughta be a law, forbidding the recycling of musical themes on TV. Imagine the stress that I deal with, every time the network broadcasts an ad for Hawaii-5-0. You can’t erase four years of racing for a chair in the common room. Not even with a thirty-five year pause. Auditive memory doesn’t work that way.

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6th February 2011

And as always, the bowl was super

The party is going on at a neighbour’s place; I’ll just keep my peace and enjoy the show. But, would it hurt for them to tone down the rhetoric, just a little?

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5th February 2011

Unlimited choice

And if there was a surfeit of choice? Instant stress, with a low rate of satisfaction… Therein lies the danger of our society. Or an introductory subscription to Netflix.

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4th February 2011

When the time comes to leave

The Lion King put things in perspective. We’re all part of a “circle of life”, and the workplace is subject to the same rules about coming and going.

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3rd February 2011

And a pipeline just in case

Three weeks of auditions are over, and there it is: a kinder, gentler Idol. No sense in trying to guess how much talent there will be this season, but at least the judges are doing their part to be nice. What happened?

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posted in environment, Idol | Comments Off on And a pipeline just in case | 268 words

2nd February 2011

This date not reserved for repetition

Unlike the movie version, Groundhog Day is not about repetition. Rather, it’s about the hope that keeps the weatherworn among us carrying on. Yes, we need another holiday during the short cold days of winter, and I have been suggesting this date for decades now. If the government can’t get their legislative spirits in order, I can still celebrate in my own way.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on This date not reserved for repetition | 263 words

1st February 2011

The broken pass syndrome

It was a minor detail, but my “beep” was absent. I hear it, several times a day; whenever  I get on a city bus. This morning…

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