20th November 2010

White welcome for football

And with an early morning snowfall, we have started another season. After the high winds and cold rain from mid-week, this is better. I guess.

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19th November 2010

Trying to get the hamster to run

Every time you send a request to a web server, and you get an answer, be thankful. On the whole, this Internet thing is stable and functional.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Trying to get the hamster to run | 273 words

18th November 2010

With the prospect of a geological miracle in view

Oh, to have the unbridled optimism of our local mayor. Maybe it’s genetic (or pharmaceutical), but here is a man that can find something to distract him, any day of the week.

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posted in politics, sports | Comments Off on With the prospect of a geological miracle in view | 253 words

17th November 2010

A label, but not that one

Somebody’s getting married, and I think we need a new lottery. Based on what? Let’s just say that I had a little tip, and if I had the kind of bookie smarts that our national betting corporation uses for flogging that 49 thing, I’d be all over this one.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on A label, but not that one | 277 words

16th November 2010

In the end, a phone is just a phone

Heard in the hallway this morning: “How’s the new phone system working out?”

The only reasonable answer is “OK, I guess…”. After all, it IS a phone system. Is it the same as the old one? Not at all, completely new? Then how can you use it? Well, it does have a handset, and a number pad, and it does ring (seven different tones, so far) at the most inopportune of times. So, it is the same as the old one!

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posted in technology | Comments Off on In the end, a phone is just a phone | 281 words

15th November 2010

My watch marks the minutes

I think it’s time I read another book. Specifically, China Inc., by Ted Fishburn. The times have changed, and my kids won’t be getting a job in a local factory where they will labour until they die. No more factories, locally. We’ve got McJobs, millions and millions of them, and the heavy hauling has crossed the ocean.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on My watch marks the minutes | 275 words

14th November 2010

Treating a pain

Pardon my lack of enthusiasm, my distracted air. No, nothing’s wrong (I hope). I’ve developed a tummy ache.

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13th November 2010

Comparing price points

A hard played game, lots of good hits, and I don’t hurt a bit. Football on TV; rough stuff for the rest of us.

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12th November 2010

New version of Linux Mint has launched

Like a jewel in a bag of pebbles, Linux Mint has come through again. Another update, installed without brute force or unparliamentary language.

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11th November 2010

Obsolete maps and high winds

As we are called to remember on this day, I pray that Canadians will remember, where it counts. In the voting cubicle. How many more soldiers will die because the current government has decided to leave them “in harm’s way”?

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posted in environment | Comments Off on Obsolete maps and high winds | 272 words

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