30th November 2010

No need for alphabet soup

Shades of too many bowls of alphabet soup! The vitamin industry is, again, in conflict with the medical world.

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29th November 2010

The wiki is leaky

Forget about Smiley. Recycle your Spy vs Spy comics. The real world of espionage works in a very different way, now that we have the Internet tubes running from desk to desk.

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28th November 2010

A game of points and inches

In football, like in real life, you should treat your guests nicely. Simple things; no second rate hotel rooms. No second rate locker rooms. Above all, no celebrating the win before the win.

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27th November 2010

A snowy screen

Based on the TV screen, it was time to adjust the rabbit ears. So much snow!

The university football season is over, and the Rouge et Or have accepted the Vanier Cup, at home. How sweet it is for the team, who were undefeated this season. Even today’s score of 29-2; the opposition points were conceded on a technicality. But the snow…

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26th November 2010

Six percent of nothing at all

The rules are clear. If you are poor and getting older, you’d better plan on keeping that part time minimum wage job until you die. And you’d better die old. After all, there’s a shortage of cheap labour right now.

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25th November 2010

Climb only if you must

We’re waiting on some (potentially)  nasty weather here. The usual mix that makes life difficult. Snow, freezing rain, rain, some wind to stir the mix. Altogether, an invitation for some tricky footing tomorrow. And on TV, someone making my life look like “a walk in the park”.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Climb only if you must | 264 words

24th November 2010

Don’t laugh at another’s bogeyman

Here’s a tip: never mock someone else’s bogeyman, lest it be living in your cellar.

I’m old enough to know that there aren’t any monsters under my bed (no room, what with all the stuff I’ve stored there), but I do listen to my children. They’re older, so are their fears. And although a depressed economy, an educational system that doesn’t appear to meet their needs and the sudden onset of winter are enough to keep me awake at night, their fears are going in an unexpected direction.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on Don’t laugh at another’s bogeyman | 299 words

23rd November 2010

A telling time

Part of my paid life is spent as a fly on the wall, or, as my employer prefers to call it “the technician designated to your meeting”. Whatever. I’m the person that sits in a corner and makes sure that everything you do with technology works, rather than degrading into a session of bad language over yet another failure to respond to your needs.

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22nd November 2010

Beyond the inner circle

I’m getting older and I’m getting cynical.

Maybe I should stop reading newspapers, watching TV, listening to the radio; in fact, it’s time to retire to a deserted island where the only government is me and mine. When I was young, political parties didn’t take up much space in my world. I could name several, recognize the leaders in profile; do what pollsters hoped I would. But then I started to work, pay taxes, resent the waste of my efforts by others.

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21st November 2010

Carriage returns and bells

We live in a connected world. Or maybe a disconnected one.  All a matter of perspective.

After all, that little device that keeps you in touch with the rest of the world is, so I’ve heard, addictive. How many “Crackberry” jokes are required to make something true? I don’t have one, therefore anything I say is purely observational. But, in my immediate office area, there are eleven ring tones and six people that may or may not answer the summons. Do the math, folks.

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