21st August 2010

Dreaming in Tonka yellow

My identity is not tied to a car (thankfully). The world shall not know me by my vehicle (even something as tricked out as a city bus). But, once in a while, the wish to have something unique sets in.

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20th August 2010

Hunters and gatherers all

Friday before the week of the “big day”. Or maybe the week before the week of the “big day”. Depends on where you live. Locally, the anticipation is thick enough to cut with a butter knife. The end of summer is nigh; school must follow.

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19th August 2010

Rehabilitative lawn care

While watching some local cable coverage of the market garden business, I had to do a compare and contrast with our local agriculture experiment.

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18th August 2010

Trying my patience

Pity that vacations have to end with travel days. I mean, if I could find a way to go from “there” to “here” without spending the day watching bad drivers; that would be a vacation in itself.

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17th August 2010

Back on the road status

Versatile; that’s me.  After a deciding to stay for an extra day, we decided not to stay, just like that. It did have something to do with “no room in the inn”, so maybe I’m just quick to react. Almost as valuable a quality as “versatility”.

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16th August 2010

Hill and dale and intervale

Packing the night before, getting up with the rising sun, deciding on the direction to travel; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. At an hour where we would usually be boiling water for coffee, we were already on the boat.

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posted in food, travel | Comments Off on Hill and dale and intervale | 264 words

15th August 2010

Playing out another afternoon

It’s all back in the bag. Except for my sleeping bag; the little car that can has been reloaded, and tomorrow we’ll plan the next phase of vacation.

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14th August 2010

Adopting a reunion

Please add to your life notes: cars are inappropriate chase vehicles for moving ocean liners, or ferryboats, or any other craft that depends on open waters. Not that we didn’t try.

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13th August 2010

South for some chowder

There is an Island legend, although not well known to native settlers, that buffalo roam the fields and forests of the land. For the intrepid explorer, there is a place, bounded by mysterious fences, where sightings have been reported in the last century. Each time we pass through Ms ailltown Cross, I cast a keen eye, but it remains, alas, apocryphal.

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12th August 2010

Cover the pan while you can

Out of the fat and into the fire; the reason why you really should have lids for frying pans. My quest was successful, and now I can look forward to a clean(er) stovetop.

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