30th September 2010

Wire and rope, rarely the right gauge

In my experience, rope and wire are sold in two sizes: not thick enough and too thick. I should have been better prepared for this fact of life; after all, I had read the tale of the little blonde and her ursine neighbours. In that story, though, there was a middle ground.

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29th September 2010

Wonder and common sense

Courtesy and common sense. Unrelated, but complementary. I watch what goes on around me and wonder.

Watching a rather large delivery truck trying to manoeuvre the limited space between the wall of my office building and the row of parked cars, I wondered why the whole process was taking so long. The driver, trying to back up with one hand on the wheel and the other on his precious cellphone attached to his ear, might have been the pivotal factor. Made me wonder how he would explain to a group of angry office workers if he’d dented their precious metal.

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28th September 2010

Bamboo milk and wheat proteins

On my way to the bus stop, walking in the rain, met a neighbour with an umbrella and a dog with a yellow raincoat. There’s something very wrong about this picture. Put another way, dogs don’t look in mirrors much, do they?

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27th September 2010

Even in an moment of anonymity

Please, save us from governments that want to save us. The census question refuses to die, and I’m glad. In what strange altered state of mind did current officials decide that asking questions on a census form was intrusive?

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26th September 2010

Contemplations of the idle rich

One of the world’s wealthier citizens has suggested that the rich should give half of their wealth to charity. Phew! The government already gets more than half of mine, so I now have one more reason to wish that I was rich(er). It’s all in the point of view, right?

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25th September 2010

Selling the smell of scandal

In fairness, I didn’t read the article in MacLeans this week. After all, criticism of government is part of the big game we all play.  Accusing one area of the country (over any other) about anything is not allowed in the Canadian federation; we are all friends, as far as the neighbours are concerned.

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24th September 2010

The game of variables

Can’t have too many tools in the chest. True for woodworking. True for keeping a whole bunch of laptops alive in the educational setting.

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23rd September 2010

Blame in on bean futures

It could be called classic behaviour. First, the “pusher” gets you “hooked”. Then, once he “owns you”, up goes the price. Call it retail if you wish.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Blame in on bean futures | 268 words

22nd September 2010

Canadian drama, eh!

Canadian legal drama; always odd. The vote just in from the House, and the bill to kill the bill has passed, by two votes.

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21st September 2010

The story is real, and you should have changed the names

In the upside-down cake world called high school, there are certain things that can “take the edge off”. Leading the list, music and drama programs. Don’t take my word for it; tune in to the new season of Glee. Although not a realistic rendition of my own time in the trenches, I look back on my time under the baton as well spent.

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