31st August 2010

Choosing the appropriate library

How much interest does the rest of the world manifest, in knowing what I might be reading on my ebook reader? Seems that there’s a plugin (for the competition’s newest model), but let’s question the utility. After all, if you’re reading this, you’ve got the essential.

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posted in technology, Wx | Comments Off on Choosing the appropriate library | 258 words

30th August 2010

Dim driver, no lights on

Out in the car with son #3, drawing attention to the things that make it hard to be a safe driver; boy, it’s not easy to protect yourself against the idiot class.

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29th August 2010

Getting the green out of the grey

Time to dust off my old Latin texts, in the search for a recipe. I remember something about the ground around Carthage getting salted as an answer to stopping crops.

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28th August 2010

Confused by controls

Against my will, I’ve been forced to learn the basic movements required by a game controller, and I’m not responding well. My kids have been laughing at me for years (I know you have) because video games have not been part of my world. Other than some abortive attempts back when the Commodore 64 was state of the art, I’ve avoided stress injuries by ignoring the panoply of gamepads that cover the floor in front of whatever television happens to wear the BEST label.

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27th August 2010

Dancing with the wrecking ball

Saw in the newspaper that another mothballed foundry is to be demolished. Except, this time around, I recognized the place in the photo. It was across the road, and in friendly competition with another plant that had my name on the payroll.

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26th August 2010

The bus pass passes the test

If something isn’t free, at least let it work properly. Today, as I paid my monthly public transit fees, I took a moment to appreciate the advances my local bus system has introduced over the last few years.

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25th August 2010

You jam it, you clear it

We have several recalcitrant robots in the office. Nohing anthropomorphic, for those who think of R2 or D2 or C3 (family name omitted). Rather, our robots are boxy and expensive.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on You jam it, you clear it | 278 words

24th August 2010

Once a student, always a student

Today was the first day of school; at least that’s what it felt like.

We’re back from summer vacation, and we work in the field of education. No, we don’t get the whole summer off… that’s a myth, unfounded, proven wrong, fallacious. I’ll stop now. We’re back to work after our vacations, which just happen to fall in the climatic period known as summer.  Gathered together for some coffee and other stuff, we held a full quorum office meeting. With me, so far?

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23rd August 2010

Fledging the nest

The link between a parent and a child (their own child, you understand) is strong, forged from the best virtual steel that nature can provide. Yet, the parent must convince the child (approaching maturity) to check out other living arrangements. It’s true!

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22nd August 2010

That road is now closed

I once played with the idea of having someone make me a bumper sticker. Nothing too political, or inspirational. Instead, a tag that would brag of a completed event. Something akin to the fairy tale reputation, of having “Killed ten with one blow”. I wanted to let the world know that “I drove the road to Meat Cove!”

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posted in politics, travel | Comments Off on That road is now closed | 272 words

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