20th June 2010

Find a job in a land of plentiful opportunity

We had a real sitdown family meal this afternoon. Not at home; the opening of a new restaurant within jogging distance was good enough reason to get out and try some other kitchen’s fare. And no, we didn’t jog there either.

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posted in education | Comments Off on Find a job in a land of plentiful opportunity | 270 words

19th June 2010

I can see and I can hear (my half-built radio)

I’m past the point of no return on my big kit build, and right now I’m a happy lad. You see, I’ve got a working digital display, there is sound and so far I’ve not managed to injure myself. All points in my favour.

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18th June 2010

New restaurant and new conversation

For a change, I didn’t mind the road being blocked. This was the first time I’ve ever seen real bicycle racers, pelothon and all.

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posted in food | Comments Off on New restaurant and new conversation | 266 words

17th June 2010

Far from the madness of roads under repair

Oh the joys of automatic upgrades. Tonight, WordPress jumped a whole version number, and the effort required by me: agree. How simple is that? All in all, this has been a good day. The postal people came through, and when I got home from my usual daytripping, there was a cardboard box on my favourite chair.

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posted in ham radio | Comments Off on Far from the madness of roads under repair | 265 words

16th June 2010

Boxes on the borders

Reporting the progress of my parcel (note the italics; ownership is an acquired virtue) might not be as exciting as reporting on interplanetary travel, but there’s not much of that going on these days. My parcel is the only show in town. Today, we made the big jump.

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15th June 2010

Slow progress across the continent

Inquiring minds want to know, so I called Stan. Now, Stan and I are recent acquaintences; he had sent me a very polite email last week, so I felt at ease bringing up his (corporate) number in Skype and introducing myself. Yes, my parcel is still in transit, because Canada and Tennessee are a world apart.

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posted in food, technology | Comments Off on Slow progress across the continent | 281 words

14th June 2010

Special moments in a dog’s day

Early morning is a wonderful time of day. The house is so quiet that I actually hear the refrigerator working. The dog shows her need for attention by turning on her back and presenting a hairless belly. Yes, scratching calms the nerves.

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posted in pets | Comments Off on Special moments in a dog’s day | 258 words

13th June 2010

The education of a fixer-upper

Not to argue with the experts; you can learn by watching those who have mastered the craft. However, after watching a certain number of episodes of “Canada’s Worst Handyman“, there are alternative paths to excellence.

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posted in education | Comments Off on The education of a fixer-upper | 250 words

12th June 2010

Keeping up with time

The clock says that it is already 8:92, so I’d best open up the text editor and start putting words into strings.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Keeping up with time | 268 words

11th June 2010

Confuse me if you can

The first barbecue of the season is done. I took the sage advice offered by my family, left the bottled sauce in the refrigerator and simply let the set of steaks cook up in their own juices. No charred chew toys. Maybe it’s time to go back to the primitive recipes.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on Confuse me if you can | 279 words

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