Keeping up with time
The clock says that it is already 8:92, so I’d best open up the text editor and start putting words into strings.
Yes, we have an electronic clock that requires a mental adjustment, ten minutes out of every hour. Blame technology; when the display driver was designed, well over a quarter of a century ago, the idea of a stuck segment in an electronic display didn’t make the troubleshooting checklist. We’ve learned to accept it as a viable alternative to the cookoo clock hanging nearby.
Did I mention that the cookoo has an overwound spring (I think)? Another faulty checklist, where the urge to pull the chain to the top actually does harm. Every couple of years, I flick the pendulum, back and forth, for a few minutes. Then, boredom sets in and I decide to return to my home clock repair session some other year, when I have more time. There’s the flaw with clocks.
Maybe I could learn how to construct an accurate hourglass. I mean, counting sand grains is no more tedious a task than flicking a pendulum. As for the necessity to flip the timepiece every hour on the hour… no, better to build a sundial.
Time is fleeting, so I’ve decided to rely on my web browser for time checks. The pocket watch I purchased for ten dollars is accurate enough for catching the city bus (agreed; it’s not really a pocket watch. I don’t want to wear it on my wrist, so I’ve changed the meme to meet my needs). And, like “perfect” pitch, the ability to guess the time is one that can be trained.