Try to imagine doing the same job, over and over, for years. Many years. Any time my own professional life seems to have taken on a one-dimensional form, I try to catch an episode with Mike Rowe. Then, I bow and give thanks, and I sleep much better that evening.
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posted in environment |
Sometimes, actors just have a fun time making a movie. This afternoon’s vote for the obvious goes out to Inglourious Basterds, non-trad spelling and all.
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posted in humour, media |
While digging around in the horror drawer in our kitchen, I came across one of those mysterious devices that leave’s one scratching their head and wondering what relevant use exists for such a thing. For the curious, “it” resembles this.
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posted in food |
I arrived home before dark, and was immediately struck by the footprints, in the snow, leading around the end of the house and into the back yard. At this time of year, there’s not much of interest back there; a pool with a thin layer of ice, an abandoned barbecue, a stiff owl that waits for stupid starlings.
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posted in economy |
Checking my statements, I realize that this site is heading into a fifth year. That’s as long as I spent (give or take a bit) in university, or high school. I’m sure that none of my teachers were whispering around the staff room about the risks of my becoming a serial poster. Surprises for all involved.
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posted in environment |
The conversation over lunch today turned to summer jobs. A little unexpected, given that we’re all permanent, full time employees, safely installed at the teat of the civil service. Think of it as a subject that was more personal than the endless rounds of who did what when and where with whom which fuels most office chit chat.
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posted in education |
Rather a pity that some of the great visionaries of the science fiction world aren’t around to see how gadgets have evolved. Can you imagine how the likes of Verne would “trip” to see a population of cellphone carrying citizens. Ok, maybe not. But there are other neat things out there, for anyone that enjoys the marriage of maps and transportation.
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posted in technology, travel |
Dear Driver in your Big Buick… normally, at the corner where the authorities have placed one of those red octagonal signs that seem to be everywhere, before you turn right (and miss a pedestrian only by the will of a greater being), the expectation is that you will slow down.
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posted in computing |
The Boss wrote about it: “57 Channels (And Nothing On)”. Seinfeld et al made a series within a series about it: “Yeah, but nothing happens on the show. You see, it’s just like life.” For those who doubt the veracity, here’s my latest offering for proof that nature abhors a vacuum, even if the only opting is to fill it with yet more vacuum. Up on one of the really rarely visited cable channels, I watched an episode of Tow Biz.
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posted in history |
There are good days, and there are days that should just be covered up with a drop sheet on our collection of wall calendars. Strike it down to experience and plan for improvement the next time around.
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posted in health |