31st December 2009

The moon doesn’t look blue

I’ve verified the fact, personally. There’s a layer of altostratus overhead; thin enough to determine that the moon is full, but the blue part will remain one of those obscure astronomical tidbits, like so many others. Goodbye, International Astronomical Year.

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30th December 2009

Clear the kitchen counter (and oven) and start all over again

The obvious thing to do with mature bananas is to make a huge cake. Done. The thing to do with a “mature” government; prorogation. Done.

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29th December 2009

Seen from a different camera angle

From now on, I’m going to be less trusting of the history I’ve been taught. There’s something about the colour of a story, once the politicians have been given a chance at the crayon box.

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28th December 2009

When refuse becomes garbage

After all my anticipation I almost missed the party. I blame it on the snowplough, but it could have been the result of a misunderstanding.

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27th December 2009

The holidays are hard on the economy

Although CNN is staying focused (all the same news, over and over, all the time) on a near miss by a terrorist on a plane from somewhere to somewhere, let’s get back to my problems. After all, I don’t intend to fly to somewhere any time soon, and so the circus in airports around the world remains a side ring. The big show is right here.

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26th December 2009

In the Trapezoid of Trade

St. Stephen might be strained in his disbelief, to see what has become of his holiday. After all, when your relics are put in a box and transferred to yet another resting place, you might hope for something more fitting than Boxing Day, right? A holiday nevertheless, even if the holy has gone right out the window. Today is just another red coloured date in retail.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on In the Trapezoid of Trade | 281 words

25th December 2009

And silence returned

The infomercial is already available, with catch phrases that evoke “Hours of fun for the whole family”. The happiest of all; the family dog. Yes, she who owns the couch has received a new toy for Christmas. Complete with wrapping paper. But there’s a downside to every story, and as I write she is on a quest. The toy has been placed in timeout; away from searching eyes and pained ears.

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24th December 2009

Trimmed trees and hung socks

How does that poem go again? Something about a trimmed tree and stockings hung up? Well, we’re going to accept approximations of those things and declare the holiday underway. Stockings, hung up? Who ever heard of such a thing?

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23rd December 2009

Here comes the judge

As we start the preparation for our big holiday meal, we’ve been leaving the television on as distraction. For anyone that spends the usual weekday in a workplace environment, there’s a whole unwatched spectrum of programming. After only three days, I for one do not want to give up my day job.

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22nd December 2009

Big birds and bigger books

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for those in retail, at least. I’ve shown great restraint in mall crawling, but other members of the family have been lost for hours. When someone comes home exhausted from the jostling and stress, I’m glad to be an onliner.

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