The moon doesn’t look blue
I’ve verified the fact, personally. There’s a layer of altostratus overhead; thin enough to determine that the moon is full, but the blue part will remain one of those obscure astronomical tidbits, like so many others. Goodbye, International Astronomical Year.
Another year is ending; another decade. This century is underway, and my travels haven’t required removing my shoes in a public place. Unless you count the time I tried on new winter boots, but that had nothing to do with the paranoid state of mind that has made the last few years seem so special.
We tried to get an invite to one of those mega parties frequented by sons #1 and #2. Not even a “wish you were here”. They’re apparently bound for an island that is attached to the mainland by a bridge. Not The Island, so I’m not particularly jealous.
We’re into the year end comedy that sets Quebec TV production apart from the ROC (Rest Of Canada). Some great political commentary (as if the politicians needed help).
At home, we’ve decided to bite the Magic Bullet. From now on, home milkshakes and slushies will be produced with technology. Couldn’t resist it – we were out to the Store That Rewards Consumption to buy a year’s supply of cleaning aids, and the box jumped off the shelf and into the cart. After careful assembly requiring new mechanical skills (imagine screws that are threaded backwards), the first round of foods for those who don’t want to chew were served. A fitting finish to the year.
I’m practicing safe computing… my hard drive is currently being backed up for the first time (ever). No more surfing without a lifejacket.