10th April 2011

The mask and the burglar

Proof that hockey really is our national sport: the French-language debate has been moved to a different evening, due to a conflict with the start of the Hab/Bruin series. When I heard about the request, I thought that we were doing belated April Fool stories. When the change was confirmed, later this afternoon, I realized that there is a parallel universe for sports fans. We prorogue parliament to avoid votes and we move televised debates to… I really don’t know why. Is there a correlation between the sports couch potato and the political junkie?

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9th April 2011

Revisiting great memories

Just because I waited until after the sun set to go and check the mail, it doesn’t mean that I’m turning into a vampire. It’s medical. My pupil doesn’t shrink, so things are bright… all day long. In fact, I’m glad that we’re in for some cloudy weather.

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8th April 2011

Extended service bumps

This is Day Too (long) of the great inconvenient refrigerator test. Our food stayed outside, all night (in a campground cooler) while we realized that warm milk isn’t really that good. And the telephone call at 08h00 did lead me to think that we would soon be back to business as usual.

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7th April 2011

A warm icebox

The cool wind is welcome, when the icebox is out of service. Believe me, I know this from first hand experience.

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6th April 2011

Self examination of boredom

Imagine having a bit more money. Or a bit more spare time. Or both, but your health lets you down. Let’s face it, we don’t always get dealt the best cards in the game.

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5th April 2011

It only stings from time to time

It rained today. Not a lot. But, I was happy because I didn’t need my sunglasses. Wouldn’t fit.

You see, after an eye operation, you get a bubble to wear. Made from rigid plastic, it kind of interferes with eyeglasses. In other words, the return trip to the hospital, however roundabout, required a designated driver and guide. I love my guide.

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4th April 2011

Unseen from the operation

Home again, just in time for supper, although we did stop to eat along the way. It’s psychological. Fasting from midnight for an afternoon day-surgery amplifies the hunger pangs. NO real risk of starvation, but the belly wants to know who forgot who.

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3rd April 2011

Left the queen at half time

There’s great cinema and there’s famous cinema. Correlation is not guaranteed.

This afternoon, what with the death recently of Liz Taylor, I decided to bring up Cleopatra on the main screen in our local theatre. No popcorn machine, a couch rather than a row seat, the ability to hit pause when I wanted instead of waiting for the reel to change. Yes, children, at one time the show would stop to allow threading and focus. But I digress.

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2nd April 2011

Periodic drops

The musical flavour for today is retro. Think about a time before Woodstock, when the chorist and the tremelo were important. Think about Motown before anyone did rap or hiphop. Think about singers that doubled as movie stars.

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1st April 2011

The mystery of the neat cubicle

The weather people have an odd idea of how to “do” the April Fool’s day. They gave us snow. With more due tomorrow. Not deep, or falling horizontally, but why does spring have to be “the season that arrives really late”. In passing, the birds didn’t get it either.

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