You may have heard that when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Oversimplification, but our military has adopted the phrase. How else to explain the sudden road trip by a select group of the air force to Libya.
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posted in politics |
And with the right subject matter, even historical documentaries provide an entertaining afternoon. Especially if the historical period coincides with with my own experience. It all comes down to the music.
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posted in media, music |
The phone rang, and the magic window showed a call from the Ottawa region. I don’t know many people there. The caller was polite, and told me that he was calling on behalf of Stephen.
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posted in politics |
Another provincial budget was presented last evening. Or as someone once put it, a promise to spend even more of my money, badly. Not too much I can do about it, other than to remember the faces of the bandits, and watch for them on an election poster some day down the road.
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posted in politics |
Here’s a question for you. What do children with rich relatives and our local politicians have in common?
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posted in economy, history |
Until a better explanation comes along, I’m blaming video games. How else to account for the strange things I see around the house.
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posted in humour |
If anyone asks, I’m reading a graphic novel for my kids. They asked me to.
Over the last few days, thanks to the mystery of Netflix, I’ve been watching “walkers” (or as we used to call them, zombies). They look the same, they walk the same way, but for some reason the name has changed. Politically correct, or something. And so when I mentioned that the storyline came from a comic book, graphic novel, it was suggested that I find a copy and let them know how that worked out. Compare a 2-D line image with real (and unreal) people on the TV.
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posted in media, Wx |
My prejudices are showing. When asked how I’d advertise my favourite campground, the first thing that came to mind was “It’s not Cavendish!”. Guess you have to be there.
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posted in computing |
The quality of never should be an article of virtue. For example, I’ve never fallen out of a moving airplane, depending on a thin veil of silk to slow my fall. I’ve never abseiled down the side of an office tower to get to the lobby. Instead, the stairwell or elevator served purpose.
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posted in health |
I’m not a procrastinator. I just take my time getting around to doing things. It’s not the same.
Case in point: changing skins. A technical term, with little biological connotation. It’s what happens to drums, when they’re properly cared for. Back some months ago (a little voice wants me to substitute years, but it wasn’t that long) I went with the kid to the music store, and we purchased a set of heads. The skins, as we drummers call them. And then a time of reflection took place (nothing to do with mirrors, though). It wasn’t the lack of a key (I’d bought one, just to be sure of having one on hand). In fact, a couple did get done, but the job wasn’t rushed.
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posted in music |