• TubaOrNotTuba

  • Perhaps a few centimetres more to the left, or right?

8th February 2010

Perhaps a few centimetres more to the left, or right?

Which mastermind thought up the concept of holding the Winter Games in British Columbia? This is Canada, the proud north where winter is inevitable, except… with only a few days to go before the first events, the trucks are running loads of snow down the mountainside, hoping to fool the rest of the world.

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7th February 2010

The last rock rocked the house

More’s the pity; the final stone was too well thrown. It’s been hours since the final of this year’s Scotties got underway, and at the end of eleven ends, Jennifer Jones did what she does. She won. The team from PEI can go home with their heads high, because there was nothing one-sided about the match.

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6th February 2010

In real life, there are no miracle rocks

Funny how the idea of what makes for interesting content in a sporting match depends on your emotional attachment to a team. Here we are, on the eve of yet another Superbowl, but in our house the important stuff is going on “in the house”. That’s right, we’ve curling junkies, at least until the end of the Scotties.

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5th February 2010

The price does matter

Odd situation this evening; I found myself complaining about a discriminatory price at Future Shop.  Under some pressure from the kids about preparation of our annual tax returns (I’m a procrastinator that gave birth to keeners), I decided to pay the other tax. Yes, here in Canada we have to purchase the software to communicate with our masters government. As a fine musical group once lamented, “Just another brick in the wall”.

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4th February 2010

The trouble with travel plans

I’ve read that every journey starts with a single step. Too bad that step has to be “getting a passport”.

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3rd February 2010

Ignore the man behind the curtain

Applause, please! Some bad science has been debunked, and with a bit of time and proper coverage in the media, we may save a few lives.

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2nd February 2010

Shadows tell the tale

For a brief moment, I could see my shadow, twice. Caught between the waning moon on one side and the newly visible sun on the other, I was cross-lit and cold enough to wish I had a personal burrow. Here we are, again; Groundhog Day and still no declaration of national holiday status. A lifetime of campaigning without success.

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1st February 2010

Please suspend your disbelief, willingly

One explanation behind hypnosis is that there is a willing suspension of disbelief. There you are, a perfect rationale for some of the stuff we get on network TV drama.

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