24th July 2021

Dipped my toe into some musical puddles

This afternoon, I followed a number of musical threads. First of all, for those on compressed budgets, let’s consider compressed instruments.

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15th June 2021

Inspected to ensure safety

This province has rules. For example, your vehicle must be inspected to assure safety is foremost. And it must be inspected every year, unless you decide to park it (safely) until the pandemic passes. The rig is back in the driveway, and we’ve paid the fee of $30 plus taxes. No big deal. Unless you count in the “rider” on the receipt; we need new shoes in the rear. Dually shoes. About a grand plus taxes. Part of that TCO that I didn’t used to understand.

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posted in education, media, music | Comments Off on Inspected to ensure safety | 278 words

5th June 2021

Inspired by a cappella airs

Moving beyond the Pitch Perfect model, there’s a lot of other a cappella out there. Open your browser, surf over to YT and follow the threads.

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12th May 2021

Plugged in, as a start

Getting up in the middle of the night with a restless dog does come with some benefits. For example, I have a better idea about how many boats are fishing offshore (from me) at night. A lot more than I would have guessed. Perhaps I should try and harvest some shoreline food; there must be some species that isn’t allocated to the industry. More research needed.

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1st May 2021

Wandering in a sonic maze

One day later. My upper arm is sore/tender; almost as if I had bounced off the door frame, on my way to medical salvation. I accept that price.

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26th April 2021

Roundabout, minus the cars

MY favourite taster channel on YouTube (“TRY”) went on a deep dig this afternoon. Who dreamed up a comparison of various jelly bean flavours? The packaging, in some cases, had the intrigue thing, but overall there wasn’t much punch to the show. I’ll be back when you do something more interesting: odd beers from the East, for example.

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24th April 2021

Progressing with harmony

At one early point in my advanced academic studies, I tried to learn the basics of musical harmony. The bane of my early mornings, seated in a small classroom, with a piece of notation paper, while someone that actually understood the science was attempting to make it clear and simple. It wasn’t, largely because the mind of an eighteen year old boy is wired to respond to almost anything else. I passed the course. Sufficient to say, my earned credit was used only to complete an academic requirement. I promised to get out of Dodge, in return for that wink and a nod.

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15th April 2021

In accord with a few new chords

In the absence of a magic wand, I am now committed to progress at a slower pace. Today, the piano returned to my area, and I played a few familiar chords before moving on to other activity. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I’ll progress to simple melodies, and include a whole array of other voices by unpacking one (or more) of the synthesizers. After all, this isn’t a race.

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20th March 2021

Vexing vixen distraction

I finished formal schooling almost a lifetime ago. Once I decided that my time in a classroom chair were over, it was on to the next level in my education. Self-paced learning.

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13th March 2021

Old songs still sound great, to me

The things we learn! It seems that I grew up in a time where talent counted for something, and the musicians that sounded good in ’70 still catch my ear, a half century later. I came across two different live concert videos by Pentangle. Real musicians, with nothing manufactured about their sound (acoustic). I will return, because good merits more than a single sitting. There hasn’t been much live music in my life, this last year (not pointing fingers). Digging deep into the archives is just a compensatory mechanism.

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