8th September 2021

Welcome to Wolf River

If the parking brake is set, camping on top of a river bank is without challenge. Great view. Fresh air. And in the campground, robust wifi and stable electricity. Enough for us to spend a quiet morning while all the gadgets recharged along with us. There was even a hot shower, after I received directions on how to navigate their maze from the man in the machine room.

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7th September 2021

Charging by all available means

With the departure of our youth sector, it was time for the boomers to get things in order. First up, that nagging DEF message, which didn’t go away with wishful thinking. The only regional dealership for MB (the company with  that ninja death star as the corporate logo) was located at the far limits of the local airfield, but our secret power (the GPS) led us right to the front door.

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6th September 2021

Still among the trees

I did it! In the company of others, some much younger, I went for a walk in the woods. On a trail. Away from the comfort of my mobile home. In fact, I walked far enough to go full circle and return to go. Walking in the woods is good for you (or so I’ve been told). I am still unclear if the risk of cardiac arrest is equalled by the espoused benefits. More research is required.

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5th September 2021

Bush bound

This afternoon, while the others went to the beach (I think), I stayed back. Officially, with the dog (because he is officially canus non grata on those sacred sands). Unofficially because my personal world was a little blurry, and I wanted the reassurance offered by walls and floors. Here’s the thing: right now there is too much fresh air and greenery. Can one O.D. on O2?

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4th September 2021

We are now at DEFcon one

Look at us. After two years at home, we’ve decided to get away for a little bit. We packed, using our crib sheets and decades of practice, and I think we remembered the essentials. It still takes time to actually put the rig on the road, but we were down to the bridge before noon.

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28th August 2021

A weak news cycle

This might be the most normal day I’ve had, in years. With the unexpected arrival of close family, and other members inbound, I moved from my spectator mode to active participant in a group moment. Of course, we had to go to the city, and find people (and get proper parking), but it went well and I’m back home before nightfall.

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18th August 2021

Desserts from over at the light

Imagine that! There are ways to raise your credit score. Like as if that matters to me, at this point in my life. Guess what? When I buy fuel, or food, the merchants don’t really care. As far as I can figure, only those that plan on getting richer (at my expense) actually pay attention. A sad commentary on our current system, and the blame can be coloured Capital Grey. Here: a cheap how-to for the frugally minded.  

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5th August 2021

Recalling those Seven League boots

I admit, my own travel experiences are limited. Bit of hometown boy, be I. But I grew up with the idea that the TV would broaden all horizons. Still does, when I take the time to wade through the hundreds of channels now available. This evening, I want to recall how it all began, for me. How old am I?

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23rd July 2021

The bridge to everywhere else

Residence space (on campus) just became a little tougher to score. Certain schools are restricting the number of spaces available, due to the pandemic. That’s a big deal.

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22nd July 2021

So fast, I feel furious

Proof that having the official permits in hand not being sufficient? Look no further than the region of Gatineau, QC. Someone (with a really expensive home) has learned that their house is too close to the street. How close? That doesn’t matter. What does is that the neighbours were out of sorts. It was their neighbourhood, after all. And following a long meander through the court system, the verdict has been rendered. Since the street won’t move, the house must. A demolition order has been give. I’ll let you learn the official version here.

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