20th November 2011

But my curve is low

Some days are better than others. Perception.

The weekend is almost over, and I have a week with little to “look forward to”. Perception. There’s that word, again. I feel like things could be better, so why not call on the pseudosciences for an explanation. Call up my biorhythm, online. Emotional curve is at rock bottom. There. A simple explanation.

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19th November 2011

Apply with precision, if you can

Remember that old saw about a man with a hammer? I now own a box taper. That should put fear in your heart.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Apply with precision, if you can | 286 words

18th November 2011

Varying the price of ink in my favour

Things are running late. In football, I mean. The Uteck Bowl should have finished with its time slot about fifteen minutes ago, but even with the extra minutes it doesn’t look like Acadia can get past MacMaster. Which means that one half of the Vanier Cup lineup can be pencilled in. Not inked; it ain’t over ’til it’s over, as they say.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on Varying the price of ink in my favour | 331 words

17th November 2011

Assorted oddities

I received a non-addressed letter today (despite the minor detail that I’ve subscribed to the red dot campaign). Don’t ask…

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Assorted oddities | 257 words

16th November 2011

One more windmill to fight

Parallel universe or rut; you decide. I’ve been wasting my evening by watching the X Factor.

Is it like American Idol? Sure. Same Simon, same Paula. Singers performing songs made famous by others (karaoke by any other name). Big prize for the winner. Voting. But is it different enough to distract me until the next season of AI? Hardly.

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posted in politics | Comments Off on One more windmill to fight | 260 words

15th November 2011

Can’t stop the stream

Things have changed. That’s not news. However, the way that news is broadcast has.

This morning, in New York, the mayor sent in his armed city employees (the police) to remove the campsite in a city park. You may have heard about it: Camp Occupy. I don’t think that anyone was surprised. However.

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posted in history, media | Comments Off on Can’t stop the stream | 262 words

14th November 2011

Revivals and returns

Forget time travel as an unnecessary expense. Just wait for a few years, and the past will get a “do over” in the future. Perhaps an inspiration from video games…

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posted in economy, music | Comments Off on Revivals and returns | 273 words

13th November 2011

Da train! Da train, Boss!

I forgot this, yesterday. Congratulations to the Rouge et Or on your win of the Dumsmore Cup. Two more games to go. So, go!

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12th November 2011

More notes from the Big City experience

Another day in the exciting life of… no; another exciting day in the life of… there, that sets the tone for my second day in the Big City. Unaccompanied, I set  in search of sustenance and adventure, and managed one of the two.

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11th November 2011

Out and about in the Big City

An early start to a long day. Off to catch (sic) the train to the Big City, long before daylight. There was unlimited juice while we quarantined before boarding, and we did get a hot breakfast with free wi-fi; rail travel is much better than back in the age when trains went everywhere.

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