17th November 2011

Assorted oddities

posted in humour |

I received a non-addressed letter today (despite the minor detail that I’ve subscribed to the red dot campaign). Don’t ask…

Back to the letter. From a credit card company, with stickers for me to place on the appropriate pages to show that I’m involved in the process. Along with a lot of questions about me and my fiscal responsibilities. And a quick rejoinder that it didn’t matter if I already had a card with them. Another would be useful. What’s that all about?

In the news, Ashton and Demi have split. Now would be a good time to start following one or the other on Twitter.

Remember when the Olympics came to a city near you, and it seemed so special that people would rent out their homes to perfect (or imperfect) strangers for a bag of money. Seems that the Queen has clued in, and now the Palace (should that be pluralized) will be renting out rooms to common folk during the London games. I love when icons go crazy!

A proposed law would make wearing a mask during a riot into an offense punishable by five years (in one of those promised new prisons). Exemptions would be made for those who were able to provide a “lawful excuse”. Let’s see. Here in Canada, we have a rather long season called winter. It can last for months and months. Either the law makes being cold into a lawful excuse, or we forego riots during the non beach-weather period. I guess the government is covering all its bases on this one.



This entry was posted on Thursday, November 17th, 2011 at 20:22 and is filed under humour. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 257 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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