21st May 2011

Laying your bike down

Out to the box store to get a new mouse. With a tail. Hate the ones that want to keep  a radio link open. The last one died; tail troubles. The one before was too noisy, and my neighbour complained.

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20th May 2011

A marathon of historical content

Inevitable? Perhaps. Hard to leave the history of a king with nothing more than a chorus from the Herman And The Hermits. And so, tonight, I started with the series that has kept royal watchers busy for years. The Tudors.

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19th May 2011

Inspiring passion

I’m an evangelist… when it comes to telling others that they need more technology in their lives. Yes, gadgets do add spice to your life.

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18th May 2011

To the victors go the spoils

Victori spolia. Centuries pass, but things remain the same. In war, as in politics.

Today, we received the list of cabinet appointments. People who will actually have to work for their monies, unlike certain backbenchers (names withheld because bygones are bygones). But along with the worker bees come the drones. Today, the Harper Government appointed several new senators to the house of sober second thought.

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17th May 2011

Odd view of a disaster

Leading a charmed existence, there have been few chances for me to come into contact with natural disasters. That’s a positive thing, but my view of what makes for “bad karma” is skewed.

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16th May 2011

Cover that logo, or else

At what point do you stop being a fan and start being a copyright infringer? Coming to a courtroom near you, real soon now. The Montreal suppertime news mentioned a restaurant that put up a poster. Advertising poster. Their product (sandwich) being prepared by a cartoon character wearing a hockey jersey.

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15th May 2011

Time for a round of haggling

Why can’t I haggle? What happened in Canada to make us so different from other parts of the world, where market value is decided by the merchant and the client? Is there something sacred about a stuck-on price tag?

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14th May 2011

Rising waters

Too much rain. That’s the official excuse. However, in Quebec, in Manitoba, in the states that border the mighy Mississippi, the wet has spread, with disastrous results.

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13th May 2011

Easing the penalty for crossing the border

The US is hinting that our “cross border quota” is stingy. For obvious reasons, the Canadian retail industry is already seeking shelter from the storm, reminding the government that competition is an ugly word.

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12th May 2011

The control is under my thumb

A minute ago, James Durban left the stage. Once again, Idol eats its young, and the best don’t survive. More’s the pity. Bringing it 110% isn’t enough. The next Idol is going to be young, good looking, exactly what the machine wants to market.  And in counterpoint, the show gave Steve Tyler a showcase for his new video.

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