11th January 2010

Priceless tags

The next time the checkout assistant at Wallie’s asks “Did you find everything you were looking for today?”, try to imagine this shopping list (as seen in the headlines from CBC this afternoon).

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Priceless tags | 323 words

10th January 2010

Comfort or speed, but not both

I don’t fly (often). Not that  I can’t. Not that I won’t. Rather, a case of need (or lack thereof). As I read about the total nonsense going on in airports, in the name of passenger safety, I am bewildered.

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posted in travel | Comments Off on Comfort or speed, but not both | 445 words

9th January 2010

Thirty years and counting

There is a Celtic notion of belonging to a place. Your community, your culture, your music; all find their roots in a particular physical location. The Irish word tuatha is succinct enough. My ancestors came from two political entities; Ireland and the Hebrides. Close enough in a world context to be twinned.

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posted in music | Comments Off on Thirty years and counting | 284 words

8th January 2010

Simplify the process

The keys to shopping effectively are simple: define a need, specify a budget, sally forth and buy. Repeat only when necessary.

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posted in economy | Comments Off on Simplify the process | 262 words

7th January 2010

Dangerously cold activity

I was going to write about how enough dead bees will make a grown man cry; unfortunately, they will. Learned that this evening while watching the Nature of Things. Just one more factoid in a vast, changing world. Thank you, Dr. Suzuki.

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posted in sports | Comments Off on Dangerously cold activity | 264 words

6th January 2010

Instructions would have been nice

I shouldn’t take things for granted. I mean, just because you’ve pumped gas into the car, it doesn’t mean that you can “make it work” every time. Life isn’t supposed to be easy.

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posted in education | Comments Off on Instructions would have been nice | 314 words

5th January 2010

Small details for an ordinary day

Systems run more slowly in the new calendar year. Feels like the headline for my life; I missed the bus by thirty seconds this morning. Just late enough to read the number as the big blue limousine pulled out of view, with nary a wink or a nod. The ideal start to 2010, work world version.

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posted in environment | Comments Off on Small details for an ordinary day | 280 words

4th January 2010

High enough to catch the eye

Time to dig out the Trivial Pursuit set, along with a Sharpie. Seems that the answer to the question which deals with the world’s tallest building needs to undergo an edit; the good folks down in Dubai are proudly celebrating the opening of  the Burj, a mere 828 meters above ground level. Or sea level. In Dubai, the difference is negligible.

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posted in technology | Comments Off on High enough to catch the eye | 274 words

3rd January 2010

One place, many lives

In the movies, a remake can spawn disaster, or dismal disappointment. This, however, is not a rule.

Back about three decades ago, I joined some friends for an evening at the Confederation Centre Theatre.

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posted in education, music | Comments Off on One place, many lives | 253 words

2nd January 2010

Wishful thinking

For just a few dollars more (on the credit card)… that’s the teaser line thrown out by someone else here in the house. We happened to be in the local box store, wasting a quiet afternoon in reflection. Do you realize how many gadgets you can have, if only you’ll ante up the cash? Beyond your wildest dreams, lad.

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posted in computing | Comments Off on Wishful thinking | 262 words

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