Wishful thinking
For just a few dollars more (on the credit card)… that’s the teaser line thrown out by someone else here in the house. We happened to be in the local box store, wasting a quiet afternoon in reflection. Do you realize how many gadgets you can have, if only you’ll ante up the cash? Beyond your wildest dreams, lad.
Seriously, I think that the world needs an iPhone emulator. If not the world, then me. The last published figures brag that there are now in excess of 100,000 apps available for the device. They can’t all be bad, right? I don’t need a phone (at all), but I already have a working MP3 player. Hard to justify spending any money for new hardware.
If we only had some sort of VM (and a link to free downloads), there’d be no more need to be bored. Instead, there’s an app for that. I’d love to try out some of the neat ideas and eye candy shown in the commercials. In lieu of a real touch screen, I’d settle for sweeping mouse gestures, or odd function key combinations.
Alas, my brief search on Google (in Google? via Google?) shows that I’m not alone. Two million other searches have been made; proof about great minds and fools. Come on programmers! Two million unsatisfied humans? Starts to rank right up with world famine, pestilence and landmines as aggravations for the species.
What was that opening thought? “A few dollars more…”; hardly rational, but what else is new? Or maybe I can borrow one of the wee beasties from the kids.