The wall of water
Never having seen one, I called up some classic art. Somehow, I think the real ones are less graphic and a lot more terrifying.
posted in education | Comments Off on The wall of water | 252 words
Never having seen one, I called up some classic art. Somehow, I think the real ones are less graphic and a lot more terrifying.
posted in education | Comments Off on The wall of water | 252 words
A whole generation of kids knew the song: “Your mama don’t dance, and your daddy don’t rock ‘n roll”. After all, parents just don’t, right? Wrong. Most of them were on their feet before those kids were even a dream in the dark. But, after watching Discovery Channel this evening, I now know that a select few had a reason.
posted in music | Comments Off on Why Johnny can’t be in the band | 261 words
That was an interesting moment. Sadness from a sad song. Who knew?
My personal music player goes through periods. Several months of older Canadian rock and roll brought back memories of high school. No need to return to that bench, so I dumped the volume and went for something better. How about too much Bach? It was.
posted in music | Comments Off on Personal soundtracks | 253 words
Oddly, I’m on the XO. Haven’t done this in a while. My installation of Ubuntu is very stable, and when the “ears” (antennas) were turned and the cover lifted, things were ready to go. Impressive.
posted in computing | Comments Off on A better backup strategy | 270 words
I played the lottery and I lost. The snowstorm lottery. Knowing that some special weather was on its way, I cut back on my usual sleep quota. And in the particular way that Fate plays, my office didn’t close. Pretty much the only office that didn’t, in my sector. Even the CEGEPs decided to pause for shovel time. I, by contrast, went to work.
posted in Wx | Comments Off on Lost the snow lottery | 260 words
The full page advertisement caught my eye (good basic technique). Local store, moving, reducing the price of stock by substantial amounts. A sale, by any other name. And I started to dream.
posted in computing | Comments Off on Unable to escape the controller mindset | 259 words
Earlier this week, the new touchy-feelie was introduced to the public, and I realized that I’m falling behind on new toys.
posted in computing | Comments Off on I don’t own any iWhatevers | 256 words
Count on the team at Thalassa to show me more places to visit, knowing that I’ll likely never get to go. Unless, by some strange twist of fate, my case comes to the attention of an eccentric philanthrope, and I get my pick of destinations.
posted in technology, travel | Comments Off on Another island to visit, some day | 266 words
The intention might have been to flatter, but the imitation of a true classic film doesn’t meet the grade. I’m referring to the remake of True Grit.
posted in media | Comments Off on Pale remade copies | 260 words
We keep warm (in this house) with some of the cheapest electricity on the continent. Next time around, in a different place, we’ll need a different game plan. After some analysis, the one thing that has been decided is that the new house will not be heated with oil. For all of the usual reasons (think peak oil consequences) and a heightened sense of environmental responsibility.
posted in environment | Comments Off on Messy and expensive to clean up | 263 words