21st October 2010

Anticipation as a state of mind

Anticipation. Been dealing with the symptoms since early childhood. Think about it: birthdays, holidays, mealtimes, the answer to my question. Inconstant, but  nagging. Right up there with contemplation and remembrance as proof of the human state.

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20th October 2010

Itinerant data collection

My government is upset with Google. Too much data captured while driving up and down the road in front of people’s homes.

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19th October 2010

A series of views

If only I could carry a camera with me, early in the morning.

I could, but then people on the bus would stare (at me), and my stealth existence would go right out the window. Too high a price to pay; also, my son needs the camera for course work, so I’m actually demonstrating my altruistic side. But, back to the view from my window.

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18th October 2010

Daily rations of newsworthy humour

Take your daily dose of humour where you can. For me, the news is often just the thing. And with this newfangled net thing, I can get news all the time, so my day remains fully cushioned in laughter.

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17th October 2010

The inseparables; religion and state

Nothing like an afternoon of PBS to leave me completely worshipped out.

Marathon documentaries; I’ve been to war, I’ve sung the blues, I’ve wandered through houses of the architectural hoi-polloi. Today, we went to church, in all its solemn variations. America does have a religious bent (bet you didn’t know that, after all these years), in spite of an official separation of church and state. That’s your church from their state.

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16th October 2010

Learning the ropes

With a quick burst of code, I had proof that my new station actually worked. That I had something more than a fancy receiver.

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15th October 2010

As seen from under the desk

Trained by tradition to kneel for prayer, I’m able to handle one of the downsides of my job.

You see, I support computer users. And, for reasons that escape me, those users want their precious computer to be hidden away, under the desk. Guess what? That’s where the dust bunnies hang out. Something to do with the lack of light. For the last few days, I’ve been swapping old and slow for new and speedy, and right now I’m in recuperation mode. Aches; back, knees, thighs. Blame it on age if you must, but I did spend time under at least fifteen desks in the last couple of days.

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14th October 2010

The new station, unveiled

A special thanks to the community of hams who share helpful information via the net. For the last couple of nights, I’ve been trying to get my new station to come together into a Gestalt, and I finally found the needed tidbit in a forum. What the manual doesn’t tell you, someone eventually will.

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13th October 2010

The shift is over

The scoreboard reads “Underground 4 Rescued 29“. That’s good for the interested parties, but a sad commentary on a dangerous occupation.

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12th October 2010

Lose the autotune

My relief at never having studied economics is intense. The minister of finance just confirmed that the deficit will be less than $54 billion for the fiscal year (hope it ends soon). Not bad, given that there  wasn’t going to be a deficit, not so long ago. I jest, of course.

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