10th June 2010

No recall required

Certain things make me feel “lucky”. Little things; running several blocks for a potential bus and watching it pull up instead of away. Getting something besides a bill in the postal delivery. Missing an appliance recall by “that much”.

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9th June 2010

Personal black holes

Back from a control visit with my preferred eye surgeon (the pressure is under control, thank you), I realized that my eye had locked in the open iris position. Something like this.

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8th June 2010

You are what you read

You are what you read. By extension, “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” Thank you, Mr. Wilde. Now if I can put some order into that pile of books on the side table, I can begin to forecast, well, something.

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posted in media | Comments Off on You are what you read | 261 words

7th June 2010

Planning on having enough time to just have fun

Maybe if I had fewer hobbies. Because right now, my job is seriously interfering with my recreation time. Worse, I’ve found that there are millions of others with exactly the same skew.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on Planning on having enough time to just have fun | 257 words

6th June 2010

The illusion of a lakeside evening

Sadly, you can’t make this stuff up. From time to time, I read newspapers from that big city in the center of our country (not exactly, but that’s why the term eccentric was spawned). To keep informed, etc. Right now, the only news on their horizon involves the G8+20 showcase.

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5th June 2010

What to take on your island stay

While channel surfing, the question “What videos would you take to a desert island?” came up. I’m bemused.

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posted in humour | Comments Off on What to take on your island stay | 283 words

4th June 2010

Towards a better informed citizenry

It was just a matter of time. After all, I work with (other people’s) money, and money buys stuff. Today, an iPad crossed my path.

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3rd June 2010

At sea with a playlist

Think of the plot as “two turntables and a mixing board meet the Titanic”. Imagine that the Moody Blues are providing the background music for a whole lot of unwanted water. Yes folks, I’ve finally watched Pirate Radio, and I had fun.

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posted in history, media | Comments Off on At sea with a playlist | 294 words

2nd June 2010

Trying to speed up time

Middle of the week; time to find strategies to make the days go faster. I mean, not to push the point, but I did hang a countdown to camping calendar in my cubicle this afternoon. When you can visualize the progression, it serves some visceral need. For those keeping track, I’m in to the seventh last week, and this one is half over. There are two other weeks with four-day weekends, which means that there are only four “real” weeks remaining. And summer hours start at work, which turns Friday afternoon into a calm countdown to the weekend. There, I feel better already.

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1st June 2010

Pension suspension

The wife had better keep an eye on our current prime minister’s diet; he seems to be facing some sort of chemical imbalance that is transforming him into the Canadian version of Ming the Merciless.

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