6th June 2010

The illusion of a lakeside evening

posted in politics |

Sadly, you can’t make this stuff up. From time to time, I read newspapers from that big city in the center of our country (not exactly, but that’s why the term eccentric was spawned). To keep informed, etc. Right now, the only news on their horizon involves the G8+20 showcase.

In order to assure media coverage, back when the original affair was planned, a “media centre” was built at a reported cost of $23 million. Now that the media won’t be there (some change in plans, involving too much money and not enough planning), there has to be an alternative way to showcase the wonders of life in Ontario to those journalists that aren’t distracted by all the noise outside.

The answer: build a diaporama of cottage life, involving a manmade “water feature” complete with a dock (reference song by Otis Redding) and canoes (reference First Nation rapid transit systems). There’ll be a very large TV (reference the biggest flat screen you’ve ever seen) to provide background scenery and sound effects (reference Seadoos and Loons). And when all has been said and done, the organizers will drain their water feature (Lake Crazy Politicians) and pack the screen away for the next time. During down time, there’ll be World Cup soccer, as long as the channel changer isn’t locked away as part of the billion dollar security package. Total bill for the cement pond: $1.9 million and growing daily. Unlike the underlying economy.

I’m sad. At a time when the economy is as stagnant as the water feature, the gang of kids from the Ottawa kindergarten keep finding new ways to spend the money that will be provided by any grandchildren I happen to get as part of my (yet to be received) legacy. Thanks, kids. I’m doing a vicarious enjoy as I write.

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 6th, 2010 at 18:15 and is filed under politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 300 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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